Pimples? Here's What You Should Do!

Pimples? Here's What You Should Do!

Acne is a very common problem for girls, typically for teenage girls. 8 out of every 10 teens come across the infamous pimple problem. Considering them just as a normal part of puberty is easier said than done. You look yourself in the mirror and wonder how on earth you're going to make that big pimple go away that's flaunting itself on your cheek.

But What Really Is Acne, And How Is It Caused?

Acne is a skin condition that appears as bumps on the skin. These bumps come in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, or pimples. Teenage girls are prone to pimples as they undergo hormonal changes during their puberty. Chances are even higher when your parents also had acne as teens.

Pimples also result from blocked pores. The excessive production of sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells gets trapped in the pores of the skin, thereby causing bumps on the surface of your skin.

The good thing about acne is that it completely disappears by the time you are an adult.

What NOT to Do When You Get a Pimple

The first thing that you must prevent yourself from doing is popping a pimple. Try not to pinch, scratch, or pop it. It's difficult stopping yourself from doing so as it's kind of tempting. But know that doing this would only make your face look worse. A popped pimple leaves a lasting blemish on the skin. So trust us when we say you DO NOT have to do that!

What You SHOULD do!

Now that we have an idea about what pimples are and how they happen let's also analyze some very doable tips that can help you overcome your pimple issues.

1. Foremost Step – Apply Ice To The Pimple!

If your pimple has started to hurt a lot, then you can simmer down the pain by applying ice to it. Wrap an ice cube in a piece of cloth and place it against that particular part of the skin. If the ice is melting too quickly, then you can try it another way. Place a couple of ice cubes in a plastic sandwich bag, and then wrap it in a cloth.

2. Use Turmeric and Honey

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. It's highly effective for reducing pimples' size and the dark spots they leave behind on your face. Meanwhile, honey is good to ward off certain bacteria, and it also has antimicrobial properties. Mix them together and apply them on the affected area.

3. Apply Crushed Aspirin To The Pimple

Aspirin includes salicylic acid, which is very beneficial in removing the dead skin and the excess oil.

Crush a couple of aspirins and add a few drops of water. Mix well to form a paste. With your clean finger, dab the paste lightly on the pimple. This helps in eliminating the redness and swelling that the pimple causes. It also helps in reducing its pain and itchiness.

Let it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

4. Try the Aloe Vera Treatment:

Aloe vera is a fruitful way to treat your pimples. Use a fresh aloe vera that is directly taken from the plant. Aloe vera helps in speeding up the recovery process of a pimple. Its anti-fungal traits help against the cysts that are produced on the skin. It's also proven to be effective in lightening the blemishes on the face.

5. Try the Benzoyl peroxide-based treatment:

Before you begin using the specific treatment for pimples, make sure to check out the manufactured directions of the product you're using. You can apply this treatment (a lotion, gel, or cream) a couple of times on a daily basis until the pimple vanishes.

6. Yogurt Can Help Too!

Yogurt involves lactic acid, which helps to eradicate dead skin cells. With a small brush, apply one-fourth cup of organic yogurt to your face. Leave it on for a little over 10 minutes or until it dries. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

7. Hydrocortisone Cream May Do The Trick Quickly!

Hydrocortisone cream is a highly fruitful treatment when it comes to pimples. It's even better than cortisone injections. Simple, apply the cream to the pimple twice a day, and you'll have the results in no time! A precautionary tip here would be to not apply this cream too excessively or frequently. Closely follow the instructions written on the tube, and avoid its overuse.


We hope the tips shared above will give you some relief in resolving your pimple problems. Try them out, and rid yourself of pimples once and for all!

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