What's Up With Organic Makeup ?

What's Up With Organic Makeup ?

With people shifting from fast food to organic food and from Buying pet food without giving ingredients a second look to only buying organic food, now all eyes are on makeup and beauty products.

But why would somebody give up their clinique foundation for a product formulated with raw food and with organic ingredients incorporated in it?

These products are becoming popular already and there is a reason why. Wait, let me correct it. There are gazillions of reasons why!

That's right, so without any further ado, let's get to the point.

After a lot of research, we have collected the best 10 reasons and benefits of eco-friendly products and why you should use natural and vegan makeup products.

Rich With Essential Vitamins And Minerals/No Chemicals

Although the skin care products you use might enhance and improve the appearance of your skin for a few years, after a certain time your skin starts getting wrinkled.

Even skin care products contain harsh chemicals which became a problem in later years. In fact, most of the makeup products contain Parabens and Phthalates that later increase the risk of getting Type II Diabetes and cancer.

Environmental Protection Agency has already black-listed such beauty products and has warned against their exposure.

So why take any risk when there are all-natural, no side-effects products present. They provide your skin with all the nutrients and nourishment you need without being allergic to face skin.

Natural Fragrance

Shopping with a nose is the most common thing amongst makeup lovers.

Even if the packaging and quality are not appealing enough, if the product sells well, consider it added to the cart.

This is the worst thing because as mentioned above, most conventional makeup products contain aluminum that plays a hand in cancer and Alzheimer's, and most people inhale a considerable amount of such harmful products.

Man-made aromas are full of chemicals that lead to nervous system disorders and birth complexities.

Using essential oils in place of such artificial fragrances will not only make you smell better but will also enhance the condition of your overall skin be it in your wrist or face.

And not to mention that they are extremely long-lasting such that just a dab of it goes a long way.

Prevents Premature Aging

Ever seen teenagers looking over 25 years of age?

Thanks to conventional makeup, premature aging is a common thing.

But not anymore, with organic and natural makeup products in the market you can not only enhance your features with a little makeup touch but also can live a stress-free life with no side effects and premature aging.

Choosing organic products rich in vitamins and minerals will help In your skins’ nourishment and make it fresh by providing vitamin C and other antioxidants essential for face skin.

It is important to be careful about the products you put on your skin especially in summers where the sun is at its strongest.

Gentle And Soothing

The fifth and commonly the most positive and peaceful benefit is that products manufactured from raw and natural food are way more gentle and soothing to the skin than conventional ones.

When you put cold cucumbers on your eyes as compared to eye masks that have preservative and harmful chemicals, cucumbers feel much more relaxing and soothing than those masks for most of us.

In fact, for a lot of people, there is no comparison between cucumbers and eye masks.

Natural and organic products take time to show results while cosmetics made from harsh chemicals show instant results but at what cost?

At the cost of your future beauty and skin health.

Bottom line

The point is that the results of harsh chemicals on your face might be instant but isn't it worth it to be more natural and work on your skin and keep it healthy and glowing, not for a specific time but forever?

Scientists and researchers say when it comes to food and makeup, always go organic. Along with going fr organic makeup, the results will be tenfold if you keep your organic diet balanced and healthy.

Always prefer natural and be ready for reverse aging!

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